» Technical services » Design Outline Coverage

Design Outline Coverage

Design Outline Coverage
Surveying, analyzing spectrum and testing AP equipment in the field to determine coverage is not always done quickly and inexpensively, especially in the sketch design stage to make the estimate. Building WiFi systems for businesses. Now with a dedicated Predictive Design software that allows Vien Tin to model and simulate to create a design that outlines the optimal Wi-Fi coverage for the business without having to go to the field. As a result, businesses can quickly get an overview of the type, number of AP devices to use, model and expected installation location to estimate.

The Optimal Coverage Design also provides businesses with a full report with a visual representation of the corresponding coverage for each type of device used (laptop, tablet, smartphone). This report is based on a floorplans drawing of the building’s floor plan (floorplans) with details of the structure and type of construction material (main wall, side wall, ceiling, foundation, main door, side door. , …).